My Story: Introduction

I am a child of God.  An unashamed Jesus follower who has a deep, deep love for all people, perhaps even a special love for those whom the world ignores.  I know what it feels like to live in poverty and in wealth and  I can attest that God continues to be present with me in every space I occupy.

I have had many great successes.  I have felt the wind at my back in every season of life.  God has been most present with me in the moments when the challenges of life have felt insurmountable.  In those moments, God's people lived out their faithful call to be disciples and offered  to me service and most importantly, love.

I have always been a pastor.  In the junior high melt downs of my peers and the voices of my doubting friends in seminary, the opening words of Jeremiah have been my beacon and my call.  I was formed to be sent to the nations.  I was designed to be a confidante for many and a teacher of the Words of Life.

I have followed all of the traditional tracks.  I achieved in school.  I have a great career.  I am married to the love of my life.  I have the most incredible children who remind me daily of what it means to be vulnerable.  I want for nothing.

There is no part of me that believes that any of this is my own doing.

And so, I try.  I try to offer myself to God, to the vulnerable and forgotten, to those who have been outcast.  I try to empty myself daily to others, to the needs of the world, so that some might come to know Love.


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